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20 Affirmations for English Learners

October 7, 2021

Do you ever have negative thoughts?

  • I will never learn this language.
  • Nobody understands me.
  • I don't belong here.

Affirmations are the opposite of negative thoughts. They are statements of truth that are positive in nature. 

  • I believe in myself. 
  • I have friends and family who love me.
  • I am a hard worker.

Daily affirmations are a form of mental exercise that can transform your mind just like physical exercise transforms your body.

What Can Affirmations Do?

  • Change your mood

  • Relieve stress

  • Improve your sense of self-worth

  • Boost your confidence

20 Affirmations for English Learners

Listen and repeat these affirmations.

  1. I learn a little bit every day.
  2. I am doing my best.
  3. I know more today than I knew yesterday. 
  4. I am ready to learn something new today.
  5. I can ask for help. 
  6. I can help others who need me.
  7. I can achieve my goals.
  8. I can do difficult things.
  9. I can learn from my mistakes.
  10. I can use more than one language to communicate.
  11. I play an important role in my community. 
  12. I accept all of my emotions.
  13. I am ready for a new challenge.
  14. I am different and unique.
  15. I treat others with kindness and respect.
  16. I am grateful for my friends and family. 
  17. I am thankful for my teacher.
  18. I take care of my body and mind.
  19. I focus on things that matter to me.
  20. I feel wonderful.

5 Ways to Use Affirmations

Here are five things to try:

  1. Write down one affirmation before bed every evening.

  2. Write down one affirmation whenever you're experiencing a negative emotion (sadness, depression, fear).

  3. Say (or sing) a daily affirmation in the shower!

  4. Recite an affirmation silently before a test, exam, or other challenge.

  5. Focus on your affirmations whenever you notice negative thoughts running through your mind.

Sentence Starters for Affirmations...

  • I am + positive adjective | I am strong.
  • I am a(n) + noun | I am a survivor.
  • I + simple present verb | I work hard.
  • I can / will + base verb I can get a job. I will succeed.
  • I am thankful for + noun | I am thankful for my family. 
  • I am proud of myself for + -ing verb | I am proud of myself for participating in class. 

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Write your own affirmation in the Comments section below. Your affirmation should be a positive, true statement about yourself.


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