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Coming in December 2020

November 11, 2020

We're taking stock of our busy year and making lots of plans for next year! If there's a lesson or section you'd like us to consider for 2021, be sure to get in touch with our customer service team.

Here are some materials we have in progress for the last month of this year. For a full list of new content from 2020, visit What's New This Year? Keep an eye on our new English with The Washington Post section for weekly additions as well.




In this new lesson from our Famous People section, students will read about a composer whose music we often listen to during the Christmas season. Watch for an additional jigsaw lesson on the four composers we've recently covered as well as a video listening task to go with each one. 


Leadership Qualities

In this new lesson from Business Matters, students will read about different leadership qualities. They will discuss what makes a good leader and talk about real-life experiences that have required them to develop their own leadership skills.


Donald Trump

A lot has happened since 2016, and we're currently working on updating our American Presidents lesson on this historic world leader. We'll also be adding a digital version and audio to this lesson.



Health Warnings and Labels

In this new resource from Real-World Reading, students will learn and review vocabulary and graphics found on very basic labels and warnings, including food and prescription labels.


Punctuation Chart

Do your student confuse the different types of punctuation? This Grammar & Usage chart will help your students review the functions of the most common types of punctuation used in written English. 


If your students liked The Scaredy Cat, watch for our upcoming Christmas video, The Sparkly Star.

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