11 Digital Task Types
To digitize our 1,000+ lessons and resources, the publishing team is currently using 11 different task types. The task types and corresponding results are designed specifically for English learners and teachers and built by ESL Library’s talented designers and engineers. All digital tasks and features are mobile friendly for you and your students.
The task type name is now available for teachers to see underneath the title of each digital task when a lesson or resource is open on a digital tab.
Demos of Digital Task Types
Here are video demos for teachers that show how each of our existing task types looks for you and your students:
- Reference: a multipurpose, non-scoreable instructional task type (Read & Listen, Grammar Notes, Warm-Up/Discussion Questions, etc.)
- Dialogue: a non-scorable task type for reading and listening to dialogues
- Image Match: a vocabulary preview or review task with visuals
- Matching: a text-only vocabulary preview or review task
- See & Spell: a low-level, vocabulary-building task that is not case sensitive and often includes audio
- Open-Ended Questions: a written response task or assessment with optional feedback and ratings (suggested answers available where applicable)
- Type in the Blanks: a case-sensitive task used for listening practice (Listen & Type), sentence completion, grammar/vocabulary practice, and assessment
- True or False: a reading comprehension task
- Multiple-Choice: a reading or vocabulary comprehension task, also used in grammar lessons, may include images or audio (Listen & Respond)
- Put in Order: a follow-up reading comprehension task for dialogues (Story Scramble)
- Sequencing: a reading comprehension task for historic events and biographies (Timeline)
- Picture Dictionary: a vocabulary slideshow with audio
Additional Notes
- Teachers can now leave comments after viewing results for all scorable task types.
- Time spent on each task is available on the results table.
- A digital Flashcard Player is also available as a presentation tool.
- All ESL Library subscribers receive 100 free student accounts and can broadcast all digital task types on a shared screen.
- Standard subscribers can assign limited task types for homework (Read & Listen or Dialogue).
- Plus subscribers can assign all digital task types, view class and students results, and leave feedback. See our Pricing page for plan details.
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