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Introducing Ellii Polls

October 3, 2023

Hey again! 👋 We've released another new feature at Ellii called Ellii Polls that we know your students are going to love.

What is it? It’s a sessions-based tool that lets you conduct real-time interactive polls in your classroom (virtual or in person) to spark lively discussion, debate, and conversation with your English language learners.

It’s super simple, super engaging, and super fun. 😎

You can use Ellii Polls as a warm-up or cooldown activity to start or end any class. Or you can simply use Ellii Polls to introduce a new topic you might already be planning to teach. Review the description in each Ellii Poll for notes about related materials.

If you’re already a subscriber at Ellii, Ellii Polls are automatically included with your subscription.

Watch the demo to see Ellii Polls in action!

Here's how it works: 

  • Teachers browse the Ellii Polls Index page to find a topic their students might be interested in. (Find a direct link in the Materials drop-down.)
  • Teachers preview the contents of the poll on the Poll Preview page. In addition to the questions for the polls, some key vocabulary that students will see and review in the survey is also included. 
  • From the Poll Preview page, teachers click Start poll. A slide for a QR code/link appears to share with students.
  • Students join the activity in real time by scanning the code with the camera app on their phone or typing the link into a browser.
  • Teachers can see students joining the activity.
  • Teachers begin the poll, launching one slide at a time.
  • After students submit answers to a poll question, the class is prompted to look up at the teacher's screen to review and discuss the results.
  • Teachers move the activity along as quickly or as slowly as they wish. 

That's it! It's super simple and we'll be adding new polls regularly.

Note that this feature is in beta mode. We are counting on our active Ellii subcribers to use the feedback form at the end of each poll to help us improve the feature as we build many more polls for a wide variety of learners. Please share your feedback!

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