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Using Emoji to Review Feeling Adjectives

April 10, 2018

How are you feeling today? Let’s take a selfie!

In ESL Library’s Artistic Activities section, you’ll find a Photography project all about feelings. You can try this project after you use our Word Bank lesson on Feelings.

Your young learners will take or find photos of themselves expressing nine different emotions. Here are the nine feeling adjectives your learners will explore as they complete this project.

Feeling Adjectives

  • happy
  • sad
  • mad
  • surprised
  • bored
  • jealous
  • tired
  • scared
  • nervous

Learning New Vocabulary with Emojipedia

One fun way to expand your students’ vocabulary is through emoji.* ESL Library’s guest blogger Shelly Terrell recently introduced us to Emojipedia.

Try this follow‑up activity after students complete their photography projects on feelings.

  1. Challenge your students to go to Emojipedia and look up the feeling adjectives they learned in the Photography Project (list above). This can be done in pairs or small groups.
  2. Tell your students to write down nine new words that they learn during their search (e.g., madpout; surprisedshocked). This could be a synonym to a word they learned in the list above or a new word found in the definition.
  3. Ask students to draw a poster of a new emoji that describes one of the new words they learned on Emojipedia. Under the picture, they should write the new word they learned. Try to encourage your students to choose different words from each other. A few duplicates are okay.
  4. Post your students’ new emoji around the class or use them as flashcards. For example, during a thunderstorm, test, or year‑end celebration you could ask your students how they are feeling and hold up their cards as prompts.

The plural of “emoji” is emoji or emojis. Here is an interesting article about pluralizing Japanese loan words.

winking emoji

Happy Teaching!

PS. Did you know that the Twitter Emoji (Twemoji) come with a free license? Thank you to our creative director Robyn for sharing this tip! For ideas on how to use Twitter in the classroom, check out another great post by Shelly. And speaking of Twitter and Shelly and emoji, check out @ShellTerrell’s tweet about an emoji writing activity that you can use with more advanced learners.


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