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Can Making Small Talk Help You Live Longer?

May 5, 2021

How many people do you talk to as you move throughout your day?

Making small talk is an important part of the culture here in Canada as well as in the United States and in many other countries around the world. We make small talk with friends, acquaintances, and even people we've never met before (and may never see again). 

Small talk is short, informal conversation. It may end after a few pleasant exchanges, or it may act as a bridge into a more serious discussion.

Making small talk is more difficult during a pandemic, but it is not impossible. You can make small talk in a virtual setting, on the phone, or even in person from a safe distance. 

“I never thought I’d say this, but I miss small talk. I miss those 15-second exchanges with strangers at the gym. I miss asking acquaintances about their significant others or dropping an ‘I like your shoes’ to a woman in the elevator before hopping off.”

—Hannah Seo

Small Talk Challenge

According to psychologist Susan Pinker, social interaction (including small talk) is the #1 secret to living a longer life. (Watch the video below.)

Try counting how many people you talk to on an average day. Then see if you can slowly increase the number of social interactions you have, even if it starts with one extra hello!

5 Types of People to Chat with

  • postal workers / delivery people
  • cashiers / customer service reps
  • neighbors / dog walkers
  • transit workers
  • coworkers / classmates

5 Places to Make Small Talk

  • at a bus stop
  • at a playground or park
  • before a live or virtual meeting or class
  • in a waiting room or lineup
  • in (or while waiting for) an elevator

5 Safe Subjects for Small Talk

  • the weather
  • sports and entertainment
  • scenery or surroundings
  • food and beverages
  • weekend or holiday plans

5 Small Talk Questions

  • How are you? / How are things? / How have you been?
  • Do you have any plans for the weekend?
  • Have you been waiting long? 
  • Have you seen any good movies lately? / Did you catch the game last night?
  • Nice day, huh? / Is this winter ever going to end?

5 Reasons to Make Small Talk

  • to be polite
  • to practice your English
  • to fill an uncomfortable silence
  • to help people feel comfortable around you
  • to live longer (watch the video clip from 7:12–9:27)

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Will this "secret" to a longer life convince you to take this challenge and step out of your comfort zone? Will you turn your microphone on in your online class and ask your teacher about her weekend? Will you strike up a conversation with your neighbor as he's walking the dog? How about talking about the weather with your friendly postal worker? 


  • acquaintance: a person you've met but don't know well
  • pleasant: light and happy 
  • exchange: a short conversation (often between two people)
  • significant other: a romantic partner (e.g., wife or boyfriend)
  • drop: to quickly say something
  • hop off: to exit quickly
  • catch the game: watch a sporting event
  • step out of one's comfort zone: to take a risk or do something that makes you feel uncomfortable
  • strike up: to start
Related Lesson

In this Functional English lesson, students listen to a number of short dialogues and practice making small talk. The digital version of this lesson includes a speaking assessment task (video coming soon).
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