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Mother's Day Videos for Teaching English: Animals & Babies

May 8, 2018

Are you looking for Mother's-Day-themed ideas for your YL classroom? This is the perfect week to talk, sing, and learn about animals and their fur babies!

In our Word Bank section, we have a lesson all about Animal Families. After you've tried the lesson, here are some questions and related videos to share in class. You'll notice in some of the videos that animal mothers are the best teachers! It's no wonder Teacher Appreciation Week ends on Mother's Day!

What are some names of animal babies?


What are groups of animals called?

The speaker goes very quickly! How many names can your students pick up? (This may be a fun activity for older or more advanced students.) You can also talk about why these animal groups have these names.

Did you know that a group of baby pugs is called a grumble? What do you call a baby chick that thinks it's a pug?

How are animal families different from human families?

Aw! You might need some tissues for this one.

What do animal mothers teach their babies?

How many verbs can your students come up with when you put this starter sentence on the board: Animal mothers teach their babies how to...

What is a surrogate mother?

This week, you might want to teach about different types of mothers, including birth mother, stepmother, mother-in-law, and even surrogate mother.

Happy Mother's Day to all of the great moms out there!
Thanks for caring for your children (and fur babies)!


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