Let's Follow the Instructions
It's time to join Ellii as a student. Follow the instructions.
- Go to ellii.com/students.
- In the top right corner, choose Create an Account. (It's your first time here.)
- Type the Invitation Code. (Your teacher gave you this.)
- Type your first name and last name.
- Add your email (If you don't have an email, type a username. Don't forget it.)
- Add a password. (Don't forget it.)
- Agree to the Terms of Use. (Check the box.)
- Click Create Student Account.
- Choose an avatar. (This is a picture for your profile page.)
- Click Start Learning.
You are now on your Student Dashboard! This is where you will see your Ellii homework. Do you have assignments already? See Questions 5 and 6 from our post on FAQs for Students.
- You only use the invitation code one time.
- Next time you come to Ellii remember to Log In instead. Go to ellii.com/students and Log In with your email (or username) and password.
- If you forget your password, ask your teacher for help.
Do you have a problem or question? Visit this post: FAQs for Students Using Ellii.
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