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What Makes You Cozy?

November 30, 2021

What Makes You Cozy?

I recently finished Isabel Gillies's book Cozy: The Art of Arranging Yourself in the World. While I was reading this book, I found myself asking everyone around me the same question: "What makes you cozy?"

What I discovered is that a lot of people had similar answers. Here are the ones that I heard the most. Can you spot a common denominator?

  • a cup of tea
  • a fireplace 
  • a warm blanket
  • a snuggly pet 
  • fuzzy pajamas
  • a bubble bath
  • thick socks
  • wool sweaters

It's plain to see that being cozy requires warmth, especially in a cold climate or season, which seems to be when we crave coziness the most. 

Interestingly, the most common answer I heard to my cozy query was "tea." It makes perfect sense that the little sweater you put on a teapot to keep it warm is called a tea cozy. Isn't that the coziest word you've ever learned?

"I can't know what everyone will think is cozy, but, in my late forties, if I've learned anything, it's that we are all pretty much the same."

Isabel Gillies, Cozy: The Art of Arranging Yourself in the World

One of the most unique answers I heard was from a little boy from Winnipeg who said that his facemask makes him cozy! Even after a long day at school, he's not in a rush to take it off when he gets home.

Home is another cozy word. Did you know that an old teapot makes a cozy home for a bird? You can also turn a teacup and saucer into a bird feeder. What comes to mind when you think of home? For me, it's all about baking in a cozy kitchen! Isabel Gillies prides herself in having comfort foods available when her family gets home. She shares several recipes for foods like applesauce and muffin batter. What are your go-to comfort foods?



  • common denominator: a shared feature
  • cozy: feeling comfortable, warm, and relaxed
  • crave: to have a strong need or desire for
  • query: a question
  • tea cozy: a little sweater for a teapot that keeps the tea warm
  • comfort foods: foods that make you feel good or at home
  • batter: a mixture of flour and liquids for baking
  • go-to: the ones you return to again and again

Question of the Month

What makes you cozy?

Share your own list in the comments below! You can include things (pencils), words (tea cozy), activities (making Christmas crafts), and of course comfort foods and hot drinks (banana bread, peppermint tea). 


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